07 871 9161

Christian Volunteer Opportunities

​Looking to connect to your Kiwi Christian community?

Being a volunteer Christian builder means that you are part of something bigger. You will help enable our Christian community to continue practicing and sharing their faith in beautifully maintained buildings and properties. We are always looking for volunteers - if this sounds like a bit of you, then get in contact and become part of our awesome team!


MMM is seeking willing hands that enjoy team work to serve on our projects

Would you like to serve God with MMM using your practical skills around New Zealand to bless the Christian community and enhance the spread of the Gospel?


Contact Howard Robinson (NZ Director)
and let him answer all your questions!

Ph. 021 910 172 
E. howard@mmm.org.nz


2023 volunteer hours


Total volunteer

A word from our volunteers...

We worked in YWAM for years. Then a few years ago we once again found ourselves available for ministry, but we didn't know which ministry. So we Googled missions and found MMM NZ! Being DIYers we felt MMM was something we could do. What we enjoy is when people thank us at the end of a project and time and again they say, "Thank you. We could not have done this work without you."  And really that makes it all worthwhile." - Part time, semi retired, volunteers

MMM NZ Magazines

If you are looking for a practical way to serve God and help people in New Zealand and around the world, you can do exactly that with MMM!

Read about it in our latest magazine.

Whether you’re looking for a full time commitment, a part-time pastime or a short-term project, you can get involved with MMM.

Practical Support

Through MMM NZ, teams of tradesmen and professionals are working to help build up the kingdom of God – brick by brick, stone by stone, project by project – as we support ministries across the world. If you have a trade or office skills, or are simply a handy person with time to spare, MMM NZ can provide a way for you to use your skills and energy to further the Kingdom of God … right here on earth.

Team Members

are full-time volunteers of the ministry who have joined us in response to a ‘clear call of God.’ They are commended by a supporting church. Usually, they bring trade or admin skills to the team and help us ensure we are effective in achieving our aims. They either live in their own home, provided homes at the MMM NZ Centre or in their mobile homes allowing them to travel from project to project.


are the backbone of our organisation. Volunteers usually work with us part-time on an ongoing basis, helping with a range of tasks on projects, at MMM Centres, or as prayer group conveners. An MMM volunteer is anyone with a heart to serve. MMM also has Associate Members. Associate Members are those who have served as regular volunteers and MMM wishes to acknowledge their ongoing commitment by inviting them to be Associate Members. 


Prayer is vital to the ministry of MMM. 

Prayer Force is a daily prayer list sent out monthly. If you would like to be a part of this vital ministry contact the MMM office to either receive the Prayer Force by post or email.

Prayer Fellowships meet regularly in Hamilton,  Hastings and Porirua to pray for the ministry of MMM. You would be welcome to join one of these groups. For enquiries about dates and times contact the MMM Centre.


MMM NZ is a faith Mission, depending on God's provision. MMM NZ provides its assistance free of charge so that the groups MMM NZ help, can complete their Christian work. For MMM NZ to be able to do this, each MMM worker is a volunteer.

Financial provision for MMM NZ comes through individuals, churches, businesses and sometimes the groups which have been helped by MMM. These funds are used to cover operating and capital development costs of the work. This allows MMM NZ  to use all funds donated for its purposes.
MMM NZ is a registered charitable trust; financial donations are tax deductible. 

Particular avenues of giving include:

  • General donations

  • Donations specifically for particular aspects of the work

  • Bequests, which are a special way in which people can bless the ministry of MMM NZ, through their Last Will and Testament

  • Sponsorship of students at the Vocational Training Centre in Zambia.

Join a mobile team

Many folk find friendship, fellowship and fun as part of a Mobile Team. As the name implies, mobile teams travel from place to place fulfilling various building and maintenance needs. There are ‘Mobile Teams’ which are on the road full time manned by Full Time Volunteers,  Associate Members, and ad hoc volunteers with folk coming for a project or two as their time allows. Mobile Teams have remained a vital aspect of MMM NZ. Being mobile is an effective way to meet the needs nationally, particularly in isolated areas. Each team member owns their own work tools and basic equipment necessary for the variety of building and maintenance tasks. Mobile team members live in caravans or self-contained campers. Their vehicles are personally owned and maintained. All mobile team members are responsible for all their personal living expenses.

Camper available to hire

See the country, have a holiday, serve on MMM NZ projects.
This fully equipped camper is available to hire.


Farmers have, since the inception of MMM NZ, played a vital role. There are those who have and continue to provide livestock for sale, produce for the Mission and staff to use.

This has and continues to provide a much needed source of income for God’s work and also provides an avenue for busy farmers to be directly involved in mission.

Would you like to be involved in this way? Could you help with farm produce? Have you any time on your hands between seasons that you could assist MMM NZ in various ways? Or are you leaving the farm, not sure what you can do? 

It may be that God has a role for you in MMM NZ that will suit your skills and provide a fulfilling lifestyle in service for Him, who gave you those skills and resources in the first place.

You can do this by:

  • Direct donation of livestock, cull cows, weaner calves etc

  • Grazing MMM NZ livestock on your property free of charge

  • Gifting of animals to MMM NZ at birth, raising until marketable age and then selling on behalf of MMM

  • Providing milk powder and/or meal for feeding calves.

If you would like to assist please contact the MMM Centre or Maurice Turner 07 888 8366, or 0274 984 993 Matamata.


MMM NZ Supporters offer additional help to the continuing work of MMM. 

MMM NZ Supporters are groups of people in a particular region who meet regularly to pray for the work of MMM NZ and raise funds to support the work of the Mission.

MMM NZ Supporters operate in conjunction with Full Time Volunteers throughout New Zealand, helping to raise funds and assisting with needs of the Mission. Each year these Supporters provide financial assistance to purchase essential items for the Mission, e.g. equipment purchases, as well as to raise financial support for MMM NZ Full Time Volunteers in New Zealand.

However, fundraising is only part of the MMM NZ Supporters’ function. These groups meet regularly to pray for MMM NZ team members and work projects, as well as to give encouragement to team members. To achieve these aims, MMM NZ Supporters organise bi-monthly fellowship days, craft stalls, and other activities.

MMM NZ Supporters event details are available from the MMM NZ Centre in Pirongia.


People who are retired or contemplating retirement can find a fulfilling lifestyle in mission work in MMM NZ.

Many people with skills and talents that the world does not seem to want any more, can use them in a rewarding way in God’s service. The MMM NZ ministry provides opportunities for retirees to work part time or full time in a large range of activities which can utilise their skills and talents without the pressures associated with secular work.

Further, many people are now becoming redundant in the secular workforce years before the acknowledged retirement age. Retirees today are members of the 'baby boomer' generation and belong to the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of mature aged Christians in the history of New Zealand. So, if retirement is sitting heavy on your shoulders, and you feel the world is passing you by, know that God hasn’t, and that He has work for you to do. 

Contact the MMM Centre. It could be the start of a new life for you!

A word from our volunteers



I would recommend the MMM experience to others. Especially if they like working with their hands. If they have any skills and want to use them practically; definitely! The fellowship’s great, the people you meet are great, the experiences are great, the camaraderie is great. I have found it all very good.

Don and Ruth

Don and Ruth

What a joy it was to serve on MMM projects; to see the completed task, to enjoy the fun and fellowship with fellow team members and meet so many wonderful people who are serving the Lord along the journey. Also it was personally fulfilling to be able to use the skills and abilities that God has given to us.



I would say to anyone considering joining an MMM team, I think it is a great way to bless the church and an excellent testimony to unbelievers. I think about when Jesus said, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:5

MMM NZ are looking for volunteers



​We’re looking for new volunteers to become part of our Christian building team.

 If you’re looking for a new Christian volunteer opportunity, then give us a call today
and help us maintain New Zealand’s Christian buildings!