Frequently Asked Questions
I am a DIY kind of person but not a tradesperson, would I be able to work on a MMM project? Anyone with a willing heart can serve with MMM. There are great opportunites for learning new skills and more about the ministries we serve.
We would like to get involved but we're not sure we want to commit and we don't have a caravan or mobile home, is there any way we can 'try out' a project?
Call MMM and find out where the projects are and you can join in. MMM has a mobile home that is available for use or MMM may arrange accommodation for you through the project recipient.
If I came on a project with my husband what would I do all day?
On projects women get involved in whatever way they wish, some paint, sweep up, keep tools tidy and/or help with food preparation. Women with the skills have been known to reupholster some chairs that needed attention. Women also often take the time to get to know the recipient ministry more, participating in their events and encouraging their workers.
Does MMM have a form I have to fill in before I come
on a local New Zealand project?
Not initially. MMM finds it is best to get to know a person on the job. Check the upcoming projects, phone the MMM office to ensure the project is on schedule, and you are on your way! If you wish to volunteer on further projects we have a Regular Volunteers form to complete.
What do the 'M's in MMM stand for?
Mobile Mission Maintenance was the original name given to MMM. Today the legal name of MMM in New Zealand is MMM New Zealand.
I would like to donate to MMM New Zealand how can I do that?
MMM is a registered New Zealand Charity, donations receive a tax deductible receipt at the end of the financial year. You can donate directly to MMM's account 030442 0148838 00. When donating please send MMM an email advising of any donations with your name and address to ensure you receive your receipt.
If we come with our mobile home how many hours would my wife have to work, she likes to keep our mobile home spic and span!?
Whatever suits your wife. Some wives get involved with food prep, some paint. Some encourage the ministry team which they are working for with prayer and conversation.
I'm not a trades person and although I have some tools they are not 'professional' standard. What would I be expected to bring to a job in the way of power tools, hand tools, painting gear etc.?
It's a good idea to have your own tool belt and hand tools. However any electrical tools the MMM project leader will carry. If you have some favourite painting gear you are welcome to use your own although there will be brushes etc. available.
What hours do you work on the job? A usual MMM day is 8am-5pm Monday through Friday although occasionally if there is extra help available Saturdays are worked.
I would like to work on a MMM project but I'm retired and don't feel like working a full day? MMM does not want to run its workers ragged! If you need a rest have a rest, just let the team leader know your needs.
Do you organise trips or other recreational activities on projects? Not on every project but it does happen from time to time depending where the team is working and what is on offer. Projects on islands usually include a fishing trip!
Does anyone in MMM receive a wage? No. All MMM workers, whether they are full time or casual volunteers, are 'living by faith' and testify to God's amazing provision.
If working outside my local area what accommodation is there? Often there is accommodation on a project say, if the project was at a camp. If not, often the project recipient provides accommodation through their contacts.
I'm in Christian ministry and would like MMM's assistance, what do I need to do to apply? Write MMM an email to briefly explaining the ministry you are involved with, where it is, how your ministry impacts God's Kingdom and what work you would like to have done.
How can I get an application form for my project? Before you start filling in forms MMM wants to hear about your heart for ministry. Write MMM a short email sharing your ministry, the work you would like done and how MMM's support would expand your ministry. We will take it from there.
What can I pray for the ministry of MMM? MMM has a monthly prayer list that is sent out called, "Prayer Force" if you would like to receive the Prayer Force and be a part of this vital ministry contact the MMM office.
Is anyone available to speak at my church about the ministry of MMM? Yes. Contact the MMM office and we will see who is available in your area.

MMM NZ Magazines
If you are looking for a practical way to serve God and help people in New Zealand and around the world, you can do exactly that with MMM!
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